
How the Meek Inherit the Earth No. 4 – Are You a Noah?In future centuries our descendants will ask and re-ask the same question countless times.  How could billions of people have been so easily led to their deaths?

These future descendants will be meek and authentic, as God made us.  But what about those living today?  They are asking the question and have been for longer than most care to remember.

If you are one of these and asking that question, you no doubt already sense or hear a calling, to become a Noah or a Noahess, and it tasks you.  Accept the mission, and what will happen?

I will discuss this article at length during my live Cut to the Chase on ATN.live show this Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 8 PM Eastern, so be sure to tune in.  That interview will also be available in the ATN.live archive at Red Circle after the 20th.

Search your feelings and reflect upon your first premonition and discomfort.  You’ve known all along that herein is the crux of the problem.

There are always a thousand reasons to fail and only one reason to succeed.   This article is about the one reason to succeed, and finding it begins with the existential meaning of all this.

One of Many

Do you see the need to save our species from genetic extinction by building remote communities where healthy, spiritual, unvaccinated families can survive, thrive, and prosper?

If so, you could be one of the growing numbers of those engaged or considering it as a prospective Noah or Noahess.

Why you?  Firstly, because you know what it means to struggle with God, and you have and there is more.

Only after you struggle with God can you finally give it to God.  Do this, and you come to enjoy a personal relationship that comforts and brings the calm of humility and forbearance.  It is why the meek instinctively knew from the outset that they could never volunteer to put that poison in their bodies, regardless of abuse and ridicule.

Compare this with the billions who proclaim their faith as Christians, Jews, and so forth, relying upon rituals and practices.  Most took the jab because their relationship with God is like the spare tire in the trunk.  You never think about it until you need it.

Unfortunately, in growing numbers, they are beginning to learn that the costs of this choice outweigh its conveniences and that their futures will now be determined solely by fate.

All this comes down to the personal question for the meek, especially those who hear the calling.   What are you prepared to do?

Should you accept the burden of this calling, you must embrace a permanent lifestyle change.  Now is the time for the Noah mission: Establishing off-grid, multi-family survival communities.

Perhaps you may wonder what entitles you to be the sole dedicated Noah or a Noahess.  If so, consider the published findings of Dr. Brad Alles, an Associate Professor at Concordia University Wisconsin.

Brad Alles, 7-Sep-2012
Worldwide accounts of the Flood of Noah

There are over 270 Flood accounts today on all the continents, some with amazing details from the account in Genesis 6-9, which happens to be the longest and most detailed account of all.  However, these various versions, with their subtle changes, are best explained as people retold the event, yet lost or changed some of the details as the story was handed down.

Why should we bother to know these accounts?  Because they verify the Bible as true—the truth fits the facts, corresponding to the evidence we have.  Here are over 270 stories from across the planet telling the same account—the event of a worldwide flood, where all perished except the inhabitants of a boat.

Coincidence?  Hardly!  Did all of these cultures just happen to come up with similar stories?  Or did the event really happen, and people later told the story, altering parts or omitting details as time went on?  What other event do we find repeated hundreds of times with such detail?

Dr. Alles’s objective was to find corroboration for the flood story in Genesis, and he did that 270 times, which is quite impressive.  However, to take corroboration to the next level, we must focus on a timeless question.  Why me?   Why am I a Noah or Noahess?

The answer to that question is yet another question.

Where in all these 270 accounts referenced by Dr. Alles was it said that there is only one Noah for the entire Earth?

Furthermore, were there evidence of that, would Dr. Alles have been remiss in not reporting it as further corroboration for the Genesis flood story?  The point is there is no logical reason to be confined to an assumption that there can only be one Noah.

Instead, the sheer scope of these phenomena suggests that these stories are about many Noah actors and not just one.

For those who hear the call to become a Noah or Noahess, your role could be that spoken of in Genesis or something else entirely.  In other words, Noah saved his family.

Today, we have a different mandate.  That is to save our species from genetic extinction by creating as many communities of healthy families as possible.  They must find a safe niche in the world where history can mostly pass them by and go to ground.

It Takes a Community

When people see the need to prepare, their first choice will often be me-and-mine.  The rationale is to care for your family as others do likewise for theirs.  Interestingly, there is a justification for this point of view in the Bible.  In Gen.7, we’re told who boarded the ark before the door was sealed.

[7] And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.

[13] In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;

With this in mind, let’s briefly revisit the findings of Dr. Alles.

Brad Alles, 7-Sep-2012
Worldwide accounts of the Flood of Noah

There are over 270 Flood accounts today on all the continents, some with amazing details from the account in Genesis 6-9, which happens to be the longest and most detailed account of all.

Alles maintains that of the 270 accounts that Genesis 6-9 is the longest.  What he did not know is that, figuratively speaking, there is a 271st account.  The flood tale of Sisuda and Hanok in The Kolbrin Bible is the longest such account and corroborates Genesis 6-9 with regard to the ark itself.  However, how the ark was built and who boarded it are very different.

In The Kolbrin Bible account, Sisuda is a king who is warned of the coming deluge and engages Hanok to build an ark for him.  He then underwrites the costs of the construction and makes Dwyvan captain.

When the appointed day comes to board the ark, great detail is given as to who is on the passenger manifest as described in the Book of Gleanings.  They were first penned in Egypt during the Hebrew Exodus.

The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Book of Gleanings: Flood Tale of Sisuda and Hanok

GLN:4:22   On the appointed day, they who were to go with the great ship departed from their homes and the encampment.  They kissed the stones and embraced the trees, and they gathered up handfuls of the Earth, for all this, they would see no more.  They loaded the great ship with their possessions, and all their provender went with them.  They set a ram’s head over the hatch, pouring out blood, milk, honey and beer.  Beating upon their breasts, weeping and lamenting, the people entered the great ship and closed the hatch, making it secure within.

GLN:4:23   The king had entered and with him those of his blood; in all fourteen, for it was forbidden that his household go into the ship.  Of all the people who entered with him, two understood the ways of the sun and moon and the ways of the year and the seasons.  One the quarrying of stones, one the making of bricks and one the making of axes and weapons.  One the playing of musical instruments, one bread, one the making of pottery, one the care of gardens and one the carving of wood and stone.  One the making of roofs, one the working of timbers, one the making of cheese and butter.  One the growing of trees and plants, one the making of ploughs, one the weaving of cloth and making of dyes, and one the brewing of beer.  One the felling and cutting of trees, one the making of chariots, one dancing, one the mysteries of the scribe, one the building of houses and the working of leather.  There was one skilled in the working of cedar and willow wood, and he was a hunter; one who knew the cunning of games and circus, and he was a watchman.  There was an inspector of water and walls, a magistrate and a captain of men.  There were three servants of God.  There was Hanok and his brother and their households, and Dwyvan and six men who were strangers.

One thing that stands out in the Genesis account is that Noah is a jack of all trades.  He is the architect, master, and commander of a specially constructed vessel designed to restore terrestrial life following a pole shift event.

In The Kolbrin Bible account, Sisuda instructs Hanok to build the ark in a coastal city.  Hanok says he will not build the ark along in a seaport because of a prophetic dream, and here is a direct quote in verse:

GLN:4:17, Hanok answered

“It has been told to me in a dream that the ship should be built against the mountains, and the sea will come up to me.”

The pole shift will begin with terrible tsunamis.  They will strike coastal cities like mountains of hydraulic sandpaper, disintegrating everything in sight.

However, as the wave crosses land, it must ebb, which is why the location chosen by Hanok was so critical.  The ark was constructed far enough away from the sea so that before the tsunami wave ebbed, it would rise up and lift the ark off its chocks.  Then, as the water ebbed, it drew the ark back out to sea.

There is a final question here that is more technical and which deals with the actual construction site of the ark.  In the Genesis account, the ark is launched during a flood, whereas in The Kolbrin Bible account, finding the precise location for the construction site required a great deal of science.

So who did the science?  Here is a clue.

The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Book of Gleanings: Flood Tale of Sisuda and Hanok

GLN:4:23 There was Hanok and his brother and their households, and Dwyvan and six men who were strangers.

When you read the complete account in The Kolbrin Bible, one thing that stands out is that King Sisuda is very picky regarding who is on the passenger manifest.

So we ask, who were the “six men who were strangers,” and where did these mysterious men come from?  Or perhaps more correctly, from what world did they come?   It is fun entertaining the possibilities, but for now, we need to return to the crux of the matter.  That being, what are you prepared to do?

Again, there are always a thousand reasons to fail and only one reason to succeed.

Although you feel the calling, you struggle with that one reason and have nagging doubts.  Why are you “the chosen one?”  Or will your family support you in this?

As for other 998 reasons to fail, there is a guaranteed show-stopper for every budget.  So what about those of you saying, yeah yeah yeah, we know about that; tell us about the one reason to succeed – and make it good!

Survive, Thrive and Prosper

All across the land are firms that specialize in building survival bunkers.  This industry is historically rooted in the Cold War scare of the 1950s and the countless number of home bunkers constructed as a result.

As with any industry, you’ll have the good and the not-so-good, so where are they all the same?   Ask them: What happens next if we survive the event in this bunker you build for us?

The answer will always be the same.  “I do not know.”

Ask any Noah or Noahess the same question, and you will know what happens after because their leadership is forged in the belief that there is hope for the future and those who greet it will be gifted a clean slate for a new beginning civilization.

One in which humanity evolves beyond acquisition as the driving force of our lives.  Then life will be driven by the pursuit of harmony – harmony within ourselves and with all that is about us.

Commercial firms can only offer Plan B survival and, beyond that, a fear-based Dystopian future.

In contrast, a faith-based survival community is a permanent lifestyle choice where families survive, thrive, and prosper.  In the process, they shall become beacons of hope for the greater community surrounding them and attract new friends while building valuable security alliances.

Is this hope for the future strategy superfluous?  For the shortsighted, it is arguable as a nebulous burden.   Then again, will their calculations factor in the march of survival over a decade or more?   Press them on it, and they will relent.

America is a nation of immigrants.  How many of us are here today because our grandparents and great-grandparents crossed the Atlantic in steerage, lived in cold water flats with one bathroom for ten families, and worked brutal sweatshop hours?  Many of us hail such lineage, so we must ask, why did they do it?  Why did they suffer?

They did it because coming to America was about hope for the future and their children.  They did it to enjoy freedom from tyranny so their children could grow up as doctors and lawyers and their grandchildren could achieve even more.

Once again, we return to the matter at hand.  That being, there are always a thousand reasons to fail and only one reason to succeed.

Accept the Calling

The most significant difficulty with the calling is a very personal question.  Why me, and what makes me special?

Why you?  History has 270 reasons why, according to Dr. Alles.  They could be 270 reasons for God choosing only one Noah or proof that God hedged by calling upon hundreds of them.

What makes you special?  This is a thorny question for those with humility, but for those who are deaf to the calling, it borders on hubris and the self-importance of ego.

The simple answer is that you hear God, the Creator, and can believe what you hear and that God knows it.  If the word special gives you pause, assuage your humility and substitute it with rare.

In all of humanity, you are rare because you have an authentic and life-affirming personal relationship with God, which you both cherish.  And what makes that relationship special?

When the day comes you are standing before your Creator, each of you will know that while you are not a perfect person, warts and all, you kept the faith.

With this in mind, consider this question.  When a difficult task lies ahead, do we not seek the help of a close friend we can depend upon?   Of course, we do because, as the old axiom goes, “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”

So, in the final analysis, you hear a calling to become a Noah or Noahess because your oldest and dearest friend in the Cosmos is asking you to help with a vital mission to save the precious blood of his blood from genetic extinction.

What is on offer?  God calls upon old friends for a mission of the most vital kind in the hope that enough of them step up.  Frankly, this is hedging, which is what all those who hear the calling must also do.

You hedge not because you are the only one to hear the calling.  It is because what makes you special is that you give it serious consideration.  With every fiber of your being, you will know that your life will never be the same if you accept this calling.

How do you hedge?  You never allow yourself to be stampeded into a mission or course of action.  That is unnecessary because you are hearing the calling now, as there is still time to do things the right way.  Use it to your advantage, but do not squander this precious window of opportunity.  How do you do that?  First, you must look to the future.

All Is Well

To create an ark community, you need to begin with a vision of success, which will become your SPOT, your single point of truth.  As with any corner piece of a puzzle, it will inevitably connect you with every other piece of the puzzle.

Finding this SPOT is your first step in deciding if you should answer the call.  You mustn’t seek it by that that which you fear or that you may be running away from.  You must seek it years into the future when the skies are blue and we taste sweet waters once again.

For example, imagine looking 10 to 15 years ahead into the future, after a time of sorrow, suffering, and loss has finally passed.  You find yourself sitting in a rocking chair on the porch that shades you from a bright sun now painted in the center of a beautiful sky.  Before you, grasses and shrubs have returned, and off to one side, you can see seedlings being raised to plant new forests.

It is a day of rest, and before you are young families picnicking next to a pond washed clean of all the foulness from the time of terror.  You delight at the sight of children at play, happily splashing in the water, as their parents enjoy the day and prepare delicious tidbits.

It Is a day to express the joy of life and to forget the past for a few blessed hours, and all is good as it should be – it is perfect.

As you rock in your chair, taking all this in, you know that you have led a good life, that you have done a good thing with your oldest and dearest friend, and that all is well.

How important is a vision of success?  It will carry you beyond the guilt of survival.

Now you are ready for the next step.

Plan the Work and Work the Plan

Your vision of a successful outcome requires a plan that uses small, swift steps to get there; the rule is to plan the work and work the plan.  With this in mind, your next step is to envision a vehicle that will get you to your successful destination.

Such a vehicle must offer a permanent lifestyle choice that embraces faith, family, community, and hope for the future.  These are certain to endure the long march of tribulation without sacrificing life’s sanctity, as will those who act in fear.

Another path to failure is trying to determine where to build the ark.  For example, a common mistake people make is to buy a property first, then figure out what to do with it.  That is putting the cart before the horse at this stage.

What will typically come of such efforts is a field of broken dreams.  Ignore your consumer programming by thinking you can conveniently solve problems by buying something.  Consumer thinking will set you up to fail; this much is certain.

Instead, you must do something nearly alien to most today because you must make a TID, a totally informed decision.   You must read, and contemplate, especially before you choose to accept the calling.

Lead or Follow

Before you accept the calling, take a moment to explore your view of what is at hand because, as a Noah or Noahess, your task is, and will always be, to lead.

What about those who prefer the jack-of-all-trades role, such as the role of Noah in Genesis?  Good luck with that in these modern times.  A more practical model is to be found in the flood account of The Kolbrin Bible.

In that account, Sisuda was the king who funded and organized the construction of an ark.  He first chose Hanok to design and build it and then selected Dwyvan as its captain.

In such times, delegating tasks to capable individuals is a practical and time-proven approach.

Imagine yourself as an organizer and leader such as Sisuda. How will you command the respect of those who follow you?  You can go it alone, or do it the same way Sisuda did, with integrity, decisiveness, and knowledge.

As with the captains of sailing ships, a Noah or Noahess must know every bulkhead and rivet of their vessel.  Exactly how they are fabricated and organized is the domain of others, with the necessary subject matter expertise to make it happen.

Therefore, it is not necessary that a leader can do what a subject matter expert can do.  What is important is that you have a plan and understand the process and related technologies enough to clarify what to do.  In other words, if you say, “I don’t know what I’m doing, but I just know I have to be in charge,” you will not engender confidence.

On the other hand, when you say, “This is what I want, here is where I want it, and it must be done by this time,” you’ll be able to discuss the matter with a depth that engenders respect.  Master essential content, and you become an influential survival leader or advisor.

In other words, how they do it, is their call.  What they do is yours, and this decision begins with leadership knowledge.

Once you have achieved a satisfying sense of understanding of these concepts, such that you can lead this way, you will have completed the process of making a totally informed decision.

Then you will truly know if you are ready to become Noah or Noahess, but what if not?

You may find that your role is to counsel a leader who is a natural Noah or Noahess.  To serve is honorable, and you may be better suited to assume the role of a subject matter expert, such as Hanok and Dwyvan, and contribute your efforts in this manner.

So now, dear reader, if you hear the calling, you have three options.  Lead, serve, or get out of the way, and to make this critical life-altering decision, you must acquire knowledge, and here is where it gets personal; as in, is yours truly, a Noah?

Being In Service

The process of determining your role, namely to lead or serve, is precisely the same.  Allow the calling to take shape in your mind, and you will ideally see the mission and your role within it.

Thus you shall gain a knowing which resonates within you, gifting a calm and continuous sense of forbearance, humility, and hope.   It will be this epiphany that sets your life in motion.

For those destined to become a Noah or Noahess, God bless you because you’re in for the ride of a lifetime.

For those destined to service, their mission is no different, and for that matter, nor is it less complicated.  To the heart of a great mystery, many roads lead.  You find your road, and you walk it.

We’re all different, but this is how it happened for yours truly.  In my moment of epiphany, I saw my role and mission in the heartbeat of a thought.  I would be in service to leaders and trusted advisors, and my Noah mission would be to provide planning knowledge tools for spiritual, survival leadership.

Therefore dear reader, I will share my personal moment of epiphany and how it changed my life.

It was in 2015, in Reno, NV, and thanks to a generous anonymous donor, I could attend a two-day remote viewing class by Ed Dames.  I attended because I wanted to evaluate remote viewing as a survival tool.

I found RV very useful, and every community can benefit from a proficient remote viewer.  It is a technique for exploring the Akashic records that can yield powerful survival intelligence.

The way Ed teaches RV, he’ll give you a code number for a target, such as 2876Z, which is often a photograph in his briefcase.  Class members keep notes as they remote view the designated target and note all physical senses.  Once the viewing session ends, Ed reveals the target to the class, and it is pretty stunning to see so many people remote view in similar detail.

On the first day of the class, I learned that I possess an unusual gift, RV, because I can remote view from a look-down position.  Ed was so impressed he congratulated me before the class.  That was a great day, but the next day was the one that would change my life forever.

The final exercise was not the usual target in a briefcase.  Ed announced to the class that the target was our future and where we will be when the kimchi hits the fan.

Many remote viewed ships sailing away and hospital surgeries, and learned they will not survive, leastwise, not on their present timeline.

For the rest, it was personal.  Each viewed a different future in which they survive and how.  As for me, I remotely viewed a survival community built into a mountainside with concrete domes and many feet of overcover.

Outside these safe confines, the world was in torment.  With endless earthquakes and agonized trumpeting, it was hellish outside, and one knew there was terrible suffering in the world.  In my remote viewing, I flew through a series of interconnected domes filled with people.  Safe inside, all were grateful to be there.

The last thing I viewed was myself with a significant other, and for some odd reason, I distinctly remember the smell of wet leather and axel grease.

As Ed told the class that we had remote viewed our future, I remember feeling out of sync with the room and amazed.  Then my epiphany moment occurred when I saw that I am neither a Noah nor a prophet.

Instead, I’m God’s technical writer, and my mission is to be in service to those who lead and their trusted advisors.  To this end, I have written a trilogy of survival books, especially for those leading their flocks to safety.

Remember, whether you are a Noah, a Noahess, or in service, you must have a vision of success.   My vision of success is a time when survival goes mainstream due to any number of reasons.  People will be frightened, and their search for safety and refuge will begin.

During this time, many will gather in small churches, and eventually, someone standing behind a podium will ask, “does anyone have a plan?”

In this vision, I see a young mother with my books on her lap.  With one hand on the books, she raises the other and confidently proclaims, “I do.”

Yes, this is my vision of success and why the principle aims of my trilogy focus on risk mitigation and shorter learning curves because survival is about learning what works before what hurts kills you.

For this reason, the trilogy address three immediate survival leadership concerns: morale, communications, and planning.

Survival Trilogy

There are always the pioneers who see what others choose not to see but will defer to the last moment, and some never will.  Most will be late-comers and will not have the luxury of years to read, study, and contemplate as many of us have.  Instead, they will be entirely outside their comfort zones and pressed for time.  With this in mind, each book is written in a content-optimized style.  Altogether, the three offer over one thousand pages of knowledge that can reduce years of study to a few weeks.

Survival Trilogy by Marshall MastersThe first book in my three-part series is Surviving the Planet X Tribulation: There Is Strength in Numbers.  It is about morale, which will be crucial from the outset as people are alarmed and in fear.  In this book, the faith leader receives a rapid immersion into the topic manner but is instructed through a series of gentle conversations.

The ability to speak to concerns with competency and compassion is essential because despair and negativism can sweep through a community like wildfire, causing terrible damage before it can be contained.  In essence, Surviving the Planet X Tribulation is that firebreak.

Communications is the topic of my second book, Radio Free Earth: The Complete Beginners Guide to Survival Communications.  The writing style changed to a more traditional technical documentation style aimed at the need for reliable survival communications using widely available HAM and consumer two-way radios.

The ability to communicate will be essential to the security and well-being of all, and nothing is more reliable than peer-to-peer, analog two-way radios, both near and far.  Yes, this is a given, but with all the radio books available today, why this one?

HAMs write for HAMs, and as devoted hobbyists, they love to tinker with technology.

Tinkering is fun, but survival is not for hobbyists.   It’s about life or death; survival leaders need a fast-track immersion for quick mastery.

Radio Free Earth delivers straightforward survival explanations and a building-block design that reveals how it works, why, and what your scroungers need to pick and what to leave.

Rounding out my survival trilogy, we come to the need for planning and my third title, Win-Win Survival Handbook: All-Hazards Safety and Future Space Colonization.  It is a Pro-forma survival plan for faith-based communities.  Organized into four sections, the book is a complete technology solution featuring best-of-class, off-the-shelf technologies.

It begins with organizing your community and then how to locate and build it.  Then it moves on to becoming indoor farmers capable of feeding one thousand people daily, and the final section focuses on building local alliances for mutual defense and aid.

It’s Worth It

As you stand at the threshold of the calling, you may wonder.  Given the hardships, will it all be worth it in the end?   There is no need to wait that long.  It’s worth it.

In 2015 I had my moment of epiphany, and in the years following, I used a vision of a young mother with my books on her lap as she confidently raises her hand to announce that she has a plan, and it is no longer a vision.

It is done, but has it been worth it?  Absolutely, and now my mission is to spread the word that humankind faces genetic extinction, and the stouthearted who bravely defied tyranny must gather together to plan for cooperation – not confrontation, and with love.

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