Corsair is here welcome to my new video . Antarctica, a continent shrouded in mysteries. For years has Antarctica been mentioned in the same sentence as UFO, Conspiracy, Aliens, Secret Bases, and Pyramids. But what makes Antarctica so mysterious, and is there anything anomalous on the frozen continent at all. Mostly because of its isolated geographical position, Antarctica is being bombarded by stories of secret bases, aliens, and pyramids. Its far away from society, its mostly uninhabited, its covered in snow, and it was once a continent teeming with life. But because of the fact that it’s mostly uninhabited, visited mostly only by scientific expeditions, and located far away from society, the continent of Antarctica offers all necessary ingredients for a great conspiracy theory. The above facts have made Antarctica appear every once in a while, in news as one of the most mysterious places on Earth. Therefore, it is not strange that numerous ‘conspiracy theories, claims, and accounts’ have been proposed throughout the years, trying to explain some of the many enigmatic occurrences on Earth’s most isolated continent. Many authors have proposed that there are many interesting things hidden beneath Antarctica that are kept away from society. And even though we know about Antarctica only for a little over 100 years, there are numerous ancient maps that depict parts of Antarctica free of ice. Anyway, despite the fact that many details about Antarctica are exaggerated, every once in a while, something new is found on the icy continent. The question that arises now is who could have built such a structure in a place like that if of course, it is a massive manmade structure. So, what do you think? Could this be some sort of massive underground facility on Antarctica? Or is this discovery, as skeptics suggest, just the result of mother nature and wind currents? Thank you for watching don’t forget to put a like and subscribe to my channel corsair out. .


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