The Exploits Of Margaret Of Beverley, Caught In The Crusades

[ad_1] The Medieval Crusades were a series of important historical events largely told through the perspective of men. Almost all the contemporary commentators, crusader knights, and Christian generals and leaders were of the masculine persuasion, leaving little room for the viewpoints of women to bubble to the surface. Historian Christoph Maier has argued that the […]

Cadmus: The Amazing Tale of the First Greek Hero and It’s Horrible End

[ad_1] Out of all the pantheons, the exuberant deities of the ancient Greeks are perhaps the most iconic of all. For generations, imaginations have been enflamed and inspired by the sumptuous mix of high fantasy and human imperfection the gods of Olympus present, as they cheat, deceive, and contrive in the name of their own […]

Triumph, Rebellion And The Ancient History Of Ukraine

[ad_1] Ukraine has always been a complicated place, with one foot in the West and the other in the East, resulting in a unique tension as a constantly contested borderland, a battleground, pitting the tribes of Europe against the expansionist dynasties of Asia, whose first taste of Europe has always been the frontiers of this […]

Mentuhotep II and the Emergence of the Middle Kingdom

[ad_1] The iconic ancient Egyptians are perhaps the best and grandest example of an ancient civilization that was both technologically advanced and spiritually rich. It was during the Archaic Period that Egypt first began to flourish, after it was founded by the semi-mythical king Menes. The pyramids were built in Egypt’s next phase, the Old […]

Medieval Colonialism: The Danish Duchy Of Estonia

[ad_1] Within the pantheon of great empires, the Kingdom of Denmark has received very little attention, yet this small European civilization was one the most enterprising of its day following its unification after the Viking period. As the Danes reached their peak under the stewardship of Valdemar the Great, they began to harbor even grander […]

Illustrious Post-Macedon Illyria and the Roman Illyrian Wars with Rome

[ad_1] The legendary and illustrious tribal kingdoms of Illyria were located in current-day Albania and Montenegro, just across the Adriatic from Italy. The Illyrian world was also an important strategic ally for the Greeks and Romans in ancient times. Illyria was inhabited from the 10th century BC by the Illyrians, an Indo-European population that were […]