
Signs 67 - Industrial Grade Chunky StuffThe numbers came in for July 2022, and as I looked at them, I couldn’t help but think about The Honeymooners (1955 to 1956).

For TV history buffs, Jackie Gleason played Ralph Kramden in the television series.

Each time he got himself into an awkward fix, he’d look flustered and babble, “homina homina.”

Well, Yowusa.com readers, July 2022 was a Ralph Kramden “homina homina” month.

Homina number one, the fireball data came crashing through with discouraging numbers.  We’ve been inventing quaint terms for debris in the Nemesis Cloud, including Nemesis Cloud Chowder and Cosmic Gruel.

Well, folks, forget clever.  In July, we entered a region dominated by industrial-grade chunky stuff.

Homina number two, a USGS reporting pattern for 2022, has taken shape, and it begs the question, politically speaking, what’s wrong with this picture?  We’ll show you what we mean.

On that cheery note, buckle up, readers, and let’s get into the numbers.

July 2022 Fireballs

Fireballs are reported worldwide, and the American Meteor Society, the primary source for North America, for this dataset.

AMS Multistate / Country Fireballs

Multistate/country fireballs cross the borders of multiple states and countries. For this reason, this is a critical category in the dataset because of the distance these fireballs must travel to receive reports from across large geographic areas.

AMS Multistate Fireballs for 1/2019 to 7/2022

In June, we saw a statistically significant jump over the previous months of this year, and July is worse yet.

AMS Huge Event Fireballs

It is a commonplace event for Multistate / Country Fireballs to be reported as huge events because a huge event occurs when 100 or more eyewitness observers report it.

AMS Huge Event Fireballs for 1/2019 to 7/2022

The level in July represents a huge increase for this period.   This subset is particularly worrisome, as these are larger objects.

AMS Monthly Total Fireballs

The monthly total fireballs are the most critical category in this dataset. When we look at the monthly total of fireballs for July 2022, the results are statistically higher than in prior years.

AMS Monthly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 7/2022

July 2022 beat the previous three years, including the high in 2020 that stood for two years.  It sets a dangerous precedent going into August.

Yearly AMS Fireball Totals

The inner ring of the Nemesis Cloud is bolting upward through the ecliptic into the Northern skies as Nemesis begins accelerating toward aphelion, its closest point to Sol. This brings us to the annual totals.

AMS YUearl Fireballs for 1/2011 to 7/2022

Seven months into 2022, July has already topped the years 2011 to 2015 by a strong margin.

This is a real concern because July is typically a transitional month from the first half of the year to the more active second, and it swept the board, as they say, for all fireball data subsets.

What is the bottom line?  We’re still in the inner ring of the Nemesis Cloud and what we’re in now is industrial-grade chunky stuff.

Our concern is that if this trend persists, we could see a notable loss-0f-life impact event by October.

Earthquakes Since 1997

At the outset of our Signs series, J. P. Jones created a dataset spreadsheet that tracks the total number of earthquakes each month beginning with 1997.

Earthquakes Since 1997 for July 2022

The updated table below includes July 2022 with the data reported by the USGS for the month.

Monthly Earthquakes 1/2019 to 7/2022

When we look at annual global earthquakes for April, we see the same overall trend since January 2021. The numbers track previous years but with a flatter range.

Monthly Earthquakes 1/2019 to 7/2022Now that we’re seven months into the year, a clear statistical trend is visible.  It is buried in the data, and to reveal it, review the slide above for what is called “natural variability.”

To do that, examine the monthly values for the first three years, and you will see the hills and valleys of natural variability.  Now, let’s extract 2022 from this table for a better look.

Monthly Earthquakes 1/2022 to 7/2022The highest monthly value was 9957, and the lowest was with 8581 events, with an overall difference of around 7%.

We challenge you, readers, to go back through our Signs reports to see a similar pattern in any year since 1997 with a narrower margin of difference.

Of particular interest is jiggering, as we’ve reported previously.

USGS Jiggerning 1/2008 to 7/2021

Unless these artificial anomalies can be explained, the USGS is another captured Federal agency.  Until this, we will continue reporting USGS data for entertainment value only.

The bottom line is that trouble is flying at us, which is why I wrote the Win-Win Survival Handbook. It shows you how to locate a survival community and build it deep and safe.

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