Do Secret Societies Control The World?

Secret societies have existed for thousands of years. Of course, the extent of their influence is highly debatable. In modern times, some believe they have infiltrated everything from political and banking institutions to college fraternities. But what do the general public think? To find out, we asked 50 people how much influence secret societies have […]


[ad_1]   JANUARY 27 & 28,1999……….DUNDEE SCOTLAND On Wednesday evening, 27th January 1999,during a driving lesson with a 17 year old pupil, at approx. 6:20pm, I saw a black diamond shaped UFO flying through the sky. It had no flashing lights which you would see on any normal aircraft. The driving lesson continued when approx. […]

Paranormal & UFO Encounters – Startling Findings: Poltergeists, Shadows & Time Anomalies and More!

@UAMNTV “Project Doorway” Episode 7 – In this presentation we look at some of the most strangest paranormal events and reveal some of the startling discoveries made through scientific analysis of apports and quantum bridging, instrumental trans-communication, poltergeist manifestations, physical attacks, incendiary effect and combustion, shadow figures, corporate investigations, time anomalies and investigations involving police […]

Why These Brick Lions That Once Protected Babylon Feel Alive (Video)

[ad_1] At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. […]

DAOs need to learn from Burning Man for mainstream adoption

[ad_1] As they exist today, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) will not scale to the masses.  Sure, shining examples like PleasrDAO, Uniswap DAO, Synthetix’s group of DAOs, and Maker DAO exist, thriving in their respective niches. Still, none of these have gotten anywhere close to being household names. Why, you might ask? Related: Cybernetic organizations — […]

Eight New Chambers Revealed at the Sahure Pyramid

[ad_1] Described as a ‘very significant’ find, eight rooms, that probably accommodated royal grave goods, have been uncovered in the Pyramid of Sahure in Abusir, Giza. These chambers, obscured from the world for over four millennia, have now been brought to light by a dedicated Egyptian-German archaeological team. The pyramid complex is tied to King […]

How A CIA Front EcoHealth Alliance Was Involved In Creation Of Coronavirus

[ad_1] In a recent post on X, former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Andrew Huff revealed how the CIA Front EcoHealth Alliance was involved in the creation of coronavirus. Must Watch: Would you live on 3D Printed Mars for a year for $60,000? It’s important to review claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Andrew Huff about […]