DHS funding universities with taxpayer money to BRAINWASH students into believing that Christians and Republicans are “Nazis” – NaturalNews.com

[ad_1] (Natural News) The conservative watchdog group Media Research Center has obtained documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing that the Biden regime is quietly sending American taxpayer dollars to universities so they can brainwash students into believing that Christians and Republicans are “Nazis.” Funneling the money through a so-called “anti-terrorism” grant […]

FDA anoints itself the arbiter of truth, despite misleading millions of Americans into injury and death – NaturalNews.com

[ad_1] (Natural News) After spending decades pushing propaganda about ineffective and unsafe drugs, and after spending the last three years deceiving the public about lockdowns, diagnostics, masks and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suddenly finds itself the ultimate arbiter of the truth! The FDA released a video on May 16, warning […]


[ad_1] MAY 7, 2023……..PISQAH FOREST NORTH CAROLINA Witness was camping in Pisgah National Forest near Black Mountain weekend of 5-7 May 2023. and had a sighting of multiple orbs overnite/morning of 7 May. Witness says he awoke at 3 am to use the bathroom and noticed orb lighting up the forest canopy. He went to […]

Bitcoin miner Canaan’s net loss slightly improved in Q1 amid market turbulence

[ad_1] Chinese Bitcoin mining company Canaan reported slight improvements in some of its financial metrics in the first quarter of 2023. The progress, however, is still far behind where it was last year in this period. According to an unaudited report posted on its investor relations page, Canaan’s net loss was at $84.4 million in […]

What Does The Velocity of Money Have To Do With High Inflation?

All individuals, based on their own circumstances, decide whether to save, invest, or spend their money. What each person expects to happen in the future plays an important part of the decision. This is the prime reason why trying to treat the economy as a mechanical process is fundamentally wrong. Central planners, and their use […]