Unidentified, Unforgettable: A Coast Guard’s Encounter with the Unknown

NASA has recently stated that much more “data” is needed in the study of UAP. Everyone wants data, but do we really lack good data when it comes to this phenomenon? For 80 years, the United States military has encountered UAP, once known as UFOs. There is a long history of encounters, as well as […]

They aren’t just unidentified, they are really unacknowledged. #uap #anomaly #RichardDolan

Richard M. Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on UFOs. With his extensive knowledge, Richard offers thought-provoking insights, analysis, and discoveries that challenge preconceived notions. Explore video content where Richard shares meticulous research and engages in enlightening discussions about intelligent disclosure. Subscribe now to Richard Dolan’s YouTube channel and join the […]

The Matrix Protocol: DMT, the Brain, and Consciousness Transfer Immersive Technology

@UAMNTV In this workshop, we explore the potential for transferring consciousness into alternate realities using the Induction-Immersion-Integration (III) Protocol. Delve into how the brain generates subjective worlds and its connection to external reality. Discover how DMT triggers brain channel switches to access hidden realities. Join the discussion on implementing the III Protocol in humans. A […]

This subject is going on around us every single day. #uap #disclosure #phenomenon

Richard M. Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on UFOs. With his extensive knowledge, Richard offers thought-provoking insights, analysis, and discoveries that challenge preconceived notions. Explore video content where Richard shares meticulous research and engages in enlightening discussions about intelligent disclosure. Subscribe now to Richard Dolan’s YouTube channel and join the […]