The Covid Narrative Flunked the Critical Thinking Test – David Icke

[ad_1] At the height of the Covid hysteria, several times I encountered variations of the meme “It’s not a pandemic; it’s an IQ test.” Probably the memesters were poking fun at those duped by the mainstream Covid messaging. In any case, that meme really misses the point. The essential problem has never been about one’s IQ. […]

Scientists Re-Engineer The Brain To Alter Human Addiction – David Icke

[ad_1] Gene therapy for “ending addiction”? What could possibly go wrong with that? This article explains: “Re-engineering the brain to try and alter human behaviour has begun to emerge as a new frontier in medicine.” Beware: this knife cuts in both directions. ⁃ TN Editor Ohio State University professor Krystof Bankiewicz never imagined that he’d […]

Silenced by the trans terrorists – David Icke

[ad_1] NOW I know the educated readers of this website spend very little time watching or listening to the mainstream media. However, we at TCW monitor things going on there because it still matters. We do it so you don’t have to. The Times has reported: ‘The BBC has denied that it pulled a scheduled programme of songs from Roisin […]

Variants and scariants – the Covid joke is on us – David Icke

[ad_1] FAR from bringing down the final curtain, it seems that the Covid comedy show is going to run and run. First up (as they say), there is the seemingly unending stream of Covid variants. It is almost as if someone is making them up. In the middle of August, I wrote in these pages about Eris, but […]

Meta AI researchers are training robots to learn like 3-year-olds – David Icke

[ad_1] PITTSBURGH — Babies and toddlers learn by exploring their surroundings and now robots can too. In a groundbreaking collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University and Meta, scientists have drawn inspiration from the way infants learn to create an innovative approach to teaching robots. The result is RoboAgent, an artificial intelligence agent designed to emulate a toddler’s […]

Men giving birth – how and why? – David Icke

[ad_1] MEN can have babies. That is a truth so universally acknowledged that to say otherwise is to be branded a transphobe or even a TERF, a ‘trans exclusionary radical feminist’. Men can probably be TERFs too – I’ll need to check the MANual. Enough of that; there is a very serious side to all […]

An Accidental Discovery – David Icke

[ad_1] In 1928 scientist Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory after a 2-week holiday.  A petri dish of bacteria accidentally left on the lab bench, somehow became cross-contaminated with Penicillium notatum mould.  Fleming noticed the mould inhibited the growth of the bacteria. This accidental discovery marked the dawn of the antibiotic era and a turning point […]

BBC Vilify – stamping out inconvenient truths – David Icke

[ad_1] TCW Defending Freedom has received the following press release from the BBC announcing the launch of BBC Vilify. THE exponential growth of manipulated and distorted news reports and video means that seeing is no longer believing. Our dwindling number of consumers tell us they can no longer trust that the video in their news […]